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Kathleen Riley
Aka: Kat
Age: 21 Gender: female
Ethnic Background: English
Alignment: Earth
Theme Song(s): "Hello" by Evanescence
History: Kat is in the middle of her second year at Starfield University, having started a year later than most students right out of high school, due to the death of her older sister Doreen.  At Starfield she hopes to major in chemistry.  Independent and sarcastic, Kat has a hard time trusting others, considering Augy to be her only real friend.  She is a practicing witch of wiccan background, and is part of an online coven, more for the exchange of spells and charms, than group rituals, which she rarely participates in.  She appears to be strongest in defensive charms, but still uses her magic sparingly.  Kat does not believe in absolutes, like good and evil, always careful to consider the multiple facets of any situation before taking sides.  Because of this, she is one of the few remaining witches that have not aligned themselves with either heaven or hell.

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