The sun shown
through the window. Augy rolled over and stretched. Seeing the
light woke him up a little. He had the feeling something good
was going to happen. The kind of commanding feeling that is
typically fulfilled. His body wanted to say in bed, but his
mind had already moved on with the day.
He struggled to
free himself of plaid sheets. Out the window was a crisp
autumn day – the gay man’s spring. Seasons changing
activate the hormones. Water pouring over his shoulders, Augy
considered what to do today. He didn’t have much homework,
he could postpone it until Sunday. He vaguely remembered Kat
mentioning dancing tonight. After last night’s mellow
evening of drinking and smoking, some exercise sounded good.
Jared hadn’t called. Maybe that’s why he’d pushed it a
little last night. Felt fine now, not even really bothered
that he hadn’t heard from his new crush. He had a good
feeling about tonight. Augy had the feeling that tonight
he’d coordinate everything perfectly – he’d spin charm
and flirtatiousness around himself to trap everyone close and
anyone else he wanted. Someone wouldn’t be able to resist him tonight.
Out the door,
walking toward campus, Augy thought about breakfast. He missed
his mother’s huevos, but his away-from-home favorite would
have to do – garlic bagel and coffee with cinnamon. The
savory/spicy mixture reminded him of a painting in his
parent’s house. He walked around campus looking for a good
sight seeing spot to have breakfast. Near the track was most
promising – view of the track and a good prospect of the gym
too. Spotting several pheromone-drenched men to conquer, Augy
considered moving his breakfast spot actually into the gym,
but reconsidered, thinking of all the other things he wanted
to do today.
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